Short Story

I need 2500 euros to enable me start a vocational training program in Portugal

Warri, Nigeria

Help fund my Education

$0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $2,500.00
Minimum amount is $2500 Maximum amount is $5000
By ujorkb
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


I am fifty-three-year-old and father of two boys. I couldn’t attend college because my parents were unable to afford it. That missed opportunity has retarded my growth, I have not been able to get a good job and earn enough to feed myself and my family.

I am naturally intelligent and I have tried to develop myself, to be competitive but at the end of the day, when I apply for jobs, I can’t back my proficiency up with the relevant educational qualification.

Recently I decided that the best path for me right now is to improve my skills to be able to earn more. I have been learning copywriting and I can really write! At this time, I want to attend a vocational school in Portugal. that’s the website of the school. I need money to process the admission and make part payment for the tuition.

For my application to be attended to, I need 150euros. I also need extra money for legalizing my documents with the embassy (transport and accommodation when I go to Abuja the capital of Nigeria where the embassy is) and money for my flight ticket and upkeep.

In total I am looking for 2500 euros.

Apart from helping me financially, I am ready to work for the money. If you have a blog, I can write for you. If you want to engage in email campaigns, I can help craft the sales emails for you.

So I am not lazy or lack any skills, it’s a lack of opportunity that is holding me back. I need to pay the application fee by the 26th of February, so help me.

The ways you can help me are as follows:

  1. Financial assistance
  2. Give me job to do for the money.
  3. Recommend me to others who are looking for writers.
  4. Show me where I can work remotely so I can earn the money

Please assist me!


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